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ÿþ 69 'DCH/ AJ EF7BG 'DG/ <!--Links used to initiate the sub menus. Pass in the desired submenu index numbers (ie: 0, 1) --> <a href="" onMouseover="showit(0)">/DJD 'D91( 'D4'ED</a> | <a href="" onMouseover="showit(1)">'DEF*/J'*</a><br> <!-- Edit the dimensions of the below, plus background color--> <ilayer width=400 height=32 name="dep1" bgColor="#E6E6FF"> <layer name="dep2" width=400 height=32> </layer> </ilayer> <div id="describe" style="background-color:#E6E6FF;width:400px;height:32px" onMouseover="clear_delayhide()" onMouseout="resetit(event)"></div> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var submenu=new Array() //Set submenu contents. Expand as needed. For each content, make sure everything exists on ONE LINE. Otherwise, there will be JS errors. submenu[0]='<font size="2" face="Verdana"><b><a href="">'D1&J3J)</a> | <a href="">/DJD 'DEH'B9</a> | <a href="">'DC*( 'D'DC*1HFJ)</a> | <a href="">1'3DF'</a></b></font>' submenu[1]='<font size="2" face="Verdana"><b><a href="">'D1&J3J)</a> | <a href="">'D*3,JD</a> | <a href="">E4'1C'* ,/J/)</a> | <a href="">'D#3&D) 'D4'&9)</a></b></font>' //Set delay before submenu disappears after mouse moves out of it (in milliseconds) var delay_hide=500 /////No need to edit beyond here var menuobj=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("describe") : document.all? document.all.describe : document.layers? document.dep1.document.dep2 : "" function showit(which){ clear_delayhide() thecontent=(which==-1)? "" : submenu[which] if (document.getElementById||document.all) menuobj.innerHTML=thecontent else if (document.layers){ menuobj.document.write(thecontent) menuobj.document.close() } } function resetit(e){ if (document.all&&!menuobj.contains(e.toElement)) delayhide=setTimeout("showit(-1)",delay_hide) else if (document.getElementById&&e.currentTarget!= e.relatedTarget&& !contains_ns6(e.currentTarget, e.relatedTarget)) delayhide=setTimeout("showit(-1)",delay_hide) } function clear_delayhide(){ if (window.delayhide) clearTimeout(delayhide) } function contains_ns6(a, b) { while (b.parentNode) if ((b = b.parentNode) == a) return true; return false; } </script> E9 *-J'* 9@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2H