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ÿþ 69 'DCH/ AJ EF7BG 'DG/ <div id="img" style="position:absolute;"> <img src="SSSS.gif" onClick="pause_resume();" alt="/DJD 'D91( 'D4'ED"> </div> <script language="JavaScript"> // Original: Justin Arruda ( // This script and many more are available free online at // The JavaScript Source!! //* Visit for more code var xPos = 20; var yPos = document.body.clientHeight; var step = 1; var delay = 30; var height = 0; var Hoffset = 0; var Woffset = 0; var yon = 0; var xon = 0; var pause = true; var interval; = yPos; function changePos() { width = document.body.clientWidth; height = document.body.clientHeight; Hoffset = img.offsetHeight; Woffset = img.offsetWidth; = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft; = yPos + document.body.scrollTop; if (yon) { yPos = yPos + step; } else { yPos = yPos - step; } if (yPos < 0) { yon = 1; yPos = 0; } if (yPos >= (height - Hoffset)) { yon = 0; yPos = (height - Hoffset); } if (xon) { xPos = xPos + step; } else { xPos = xPos - step; } if (xPos < 0) { xon = 1; xPos = 0; } if (xPos >= (width - Woffset)) { xon = 0; xPos = (width - Woffset); } } function start() { img.visibility = "visible"; interval = setInterval('changePos()', delay); } function pause_resume() { if(pause) { clearInterval(interval); pause = false; } else { interval = setInterval('changePos()',delay); pause = true; } } start(); </script> E9 *-J'* 9@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2H